Xero and Revolut integration
Xero is cloud-based accounting software that allows you to manage your finances in real-time. Revolut is a global financial app offering banking services to businesses.
You can seamlessly integrate Xero and Revolut to sync transactions between the two platforms.
How to integrate Xero and Revolut
To link your Revolut account to Xero:
- Log into your Revolut Business account.
- Head to the Connect tab.
- Select the Xero button.
- Click Continue.
- A request to allow Revolut for Business to access your Xero data will pop up. Click Allow Access.
- You will be asked if you have set up Revolut as a bank account in your Xero account. Answer Yes or No – depending on your circumstances.
- Allow your account time to connect with Xero.
- Click Continue to complete the process.
Advantages of connecting your Revolut account with Xero
By integrating your Revolut account into Xero - you will benefit in the following ways:
- Your Revolut bank transactions are automatically imported into Xero daily.
- You can automatically import the latest transaction into your Xero account by refreshing your bank feeds in Revolut.
- You can track your business’ financial health in real-time because financial transactions in the Xero-Revolut integration can be resynced to give you the correct picture of your financial situation.
- The integration supports multi-currency accounts, payee names, and notes – that help your accountant provide you with complete business statements.
- You get complete control of your business finances – the integration allows you to sync, pause and resume financial activity in your account at your convenience.
- The process is fully automated and eradicates the possibility of human error incurred by exporting and uploading spreadsheets.