Businesses can defer payment of VAT on imported goods until the import procedure is completed, this is known as ‘postponed import VAT. A Postponed Import VAT Statement is an accounting document issued by HMRC and is used to declare the VAT that is due on the imported goods.
Your company must be registered for the Customs Declaration Service to use Postponed VAT accounting services.
How to download your Import VAT Statements
The statement is available to download through the HMRC Online Services Portal.
To download your Postponed Import VAT Statements:
To access the statement, sign in to HMRC online services using your Government Gateway user ID and password. Once logged in, navigate to the ‘Your account’ tab then ‘View Tax Statement’ section, and select ‘Download Postponed Import VAT Statement’.
The contents of the statement
The statement contains information on the goods and services you’ve imported. It includes your import VAT. It also shows the amounts of import VAT that you have paid, and any amounts of import VAT that have been refunded. It will also show the total amount of postponed import VAT due, including any adjustments such as overpaid or underpaid amounts.
Who can access your statement?
The PVIS is issued to the importer, however if you’re not the importer, you can still access the document if you are granted access by the named importer. The importer will login to their HMRC online account and give you access by entering their details.
Key points to note
You can use the HMRC Online Services Portal to submit an adjustment to your PVIS. If you believe that your statement is incorrect or incomplete, submit a request to HMRC for adjustment. Hence the importance of keeping your postponed PIVS safe.
Please bare in in mind that you’ll only be able to read the statement online for 6 months, so make a copy for your records.
If you cannot obtain the statement from your HMRC online account, you should contact HMRC’s VAT Helpline on 03002003700 or their website at
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