We consolidated all your income into a single payslip – giving you the flexibility to work with multiple clients.
Assistance assessing whether or not certain contracts / assignments fall under IR35.
As license accounting firm we pride ourselves on compliance with HM Revenue & Custom. You wont have to worry about tax investigations from unscrupulous Umbrella Company’s.
Tax & National Insurance
We automatically caulcate tax and national insurance before filing and settle debts with HMRC. We operate full Real Time Information (RTI) with HMRC.
Weekly payment processing
Don’t wait for weeks to be paid, our payroll support team processing payment runs every week.
Access to Multiple Pension Schemes
We deal with all your workplace pension duties and give you the right to opt out or remain in the scheme. We are the only Umbrella Company that provides workplace pension options to multiple providers.
You may already run a payroll for your employees! Form Apirl 2020 you now need to assess the contractors and potential personal service companies you currently use to ensure they are assessed under IR35.
The IR35 legislation has been introduced to ensure that these workers pay broadly the same tax and National Insurance contributions (NICs) as an employee. IR35 has been in force for over 10 years but the key change from April 2020, is the change in ‘who is liable’ for non-compliance from the individual or contractor to the organisation engaging the worker.
IR35 Pre April 2020
Before April 2020, a contractor/worker not currently on PAYE (i.e. a maintenance person) working for your business/organisation, is deemed to fall under this legislation and is challenged by HMRC, the individual / contractor would be liable for all the underpaid tax and a Class 1 National Insurance (Employer as well as Employee NIC) liabilities.
ChangES in Liability
IR35 Post April 2020
After April 2020, a contractor/worker not currently on PAYE (i.e. a maintenance person) working for your business/organisation, is deemed to fall under this legislation the underpaid tax and associated penalties will fall on the business, not the contractor.
Information provided on the site is merely guidance that may change in line with UK law and regulations. Users must not consider this to be financial advice or their sole resource when making any financial decision. Spondoo is a trading name for Accounting SQL Limited, authorised & license accounting firm under the Institute of Financial Accountants.